About Me

Hi there! 👋 I’m Komail, and I love everything about computers and electronics! 🌟

I’ve been playing with electronics since I was 11, and by 13, I was already into computers. Though my career took me away from my hobby for a bit, I’ve found my way back through personal projects, reigniting my curiosity. 🔥

Professionally, I’ve worn many hats—from Test Automation and Release Engineering to Site Reliability and Cloud Operations Engineering. I’ve worked with various languages and technologies, but I feel most at home with Python, Golang, Ansible, Terraform, Backend Web Development, SQL and NoSQL Databases, RabbitMQ, Docker, and all things related CI/CD. I’ve also dabbled in OpenStack, JavaScript, and Kubernetes.

🥽 🥼 I run my own home lab with many custom services, treating them like production-grade services but on a budget. I keep detailed internal documentation and configurations, and now I’m excited to share insights from my home lab here. Check out my Status Page for more. Status Page.

I started this blog to share my knowledge thoughts and ideas! 📚 🧠 🧭

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find something helpful here!